Last night he had his former lead “correspondent” Steve Carell on as a guest (promoting his new movie The Forty Year Old Virgin, which, frankly, looks like shite). Carell, of course, had been a pioneering member of the show’s wonderful ensemble – leaving it to go on to such memorable film roles as the asshole anchorman in Bruce Almighty and the … um … other asshole anchorman in The Legend of Ron Burgundy.
But all mocking of poor career choices aside, it was obvious on last night’s episode the kinship between Carell and Stewart – or, at least, their inspired ability to draw out an awkward silence beyond that which is normally possible for mere non-comedic mortals. I appreciate the kind of stage chemistry that can pull that off … for what felt like an eternity, Stewart and Carell sat staring at each other, taking weirdly synchronized sips from their coffee mugs and starting sentences that never reach their first syllables. I was dying … not the least reason for which was that, having directed some theatre, I so appreciate the kind of talent it takes to make that moment.
And on that note, I begin the first in a series of people I miss … I should say that this is in no particular order—not a ranking! Just an occasional (in the true sense of the word) tribute to certain people who have made an impact on me in one way or another.

And the first entry is a certain Mr. Jan Weir—who played Richard III for me, as well as the Player in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, and who always had that kind of comic timing that kept audiences in the palm of his hand. I thought of him this evening in the silences between Stewart and Carell—because Jan has a great instinct for letting a moment hang, for letting the silence do the work for him. A rare talent, I must say.
PS -- Check out Laura's blog - she has cat pictures!
where can we read the first two reasons?
i know at least one of them was mentioned in alternative realities but my minds a little soggy from months back.
sorry i missed your farewell cheers chris...your email got lost in the spamland that is my former uwo account....alex told me about it only after i had already read this blog twice....needless to say i was pretty sure i was late for the party.
Thanks there, Eano Man ...
The first two reasons (and many others, I'm sure) will surface in future blogs. For a hint on #1, two words: cross and fire.
Since becoming a blogger myself, I have discovered the almost awe-inpiring extent to which MIT dominates the blogosphere. Impressive, really. When I get around to mucking around in my template code again, I'll link to everyone ...
for a good list on mit blogs...check out the first chunk of 15 or so on my journal...(i sometimes refuse the term blog, out of elitist ignorance to my nerdity)...the first 15 all the from C'est What? to this site here are all mit bretderen and alumna.
blogs are becoming a canadian thing, and were fortunate to be the mediated frontrunners of the new web medium.
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