Zachary Matthew Anthony Lockett was born this morning at 9:15, weighing in at a quite respectable 8lb, 8oz. Michelle is doing very well and recovering nicely; Matthew is overcoming the new father coronary.
Isn't he perfect?

Isn't he perfect?
It makes me very sad that I can't be there like I was for Morgan. I'll be back in TO in a couple of weeks though, so I won't have to wait too long to meet my new nephew.
My brother defies the laws of nature. It still amazes me that this:

Somehow had a hand in the creation of this:

And this:

Sort of makes you believe in the stork all over again, doesn't it? Or at least in my sister-in-law's uber-genes ...
LOL!! Congratulations, Uncle Chris! And congrats to your brother and sis-in-law, too. He's absolutely adorable. ;)
The baby, I mean. ;)
Congratulations again Uncle C!
What do you mean "this?"
I am just a this now? Well I guess that is a step up. :)
Zach is looking forward to meeting you. See you soon sucka'.
I think natural selection plays a big part: grandparent genes RULE!!!!! DAD
I was browsing your blog with my husband because we are Originally from Ontario ourselves and will be moving to St John's in October. We couldn't stop laughing at your comments about your brother. Gorgeous nephew, congratulations!
I've been browsing your site for a couple weeks now and since your becoming an uncle (twice over) inspired a little creativity in me, I thought I would personally Congratulate you on the beautiful nephew!
Waiting patiently to hear your comments on the last Harry Potter. I took your pop culture class where we read the first one.
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