Saturday, December 09, 2006

Today's weather in backwards-world

Well, Al Gore did warn us that global warming could have the effect of visiting the extreme weather that is de rigeur in one part of the world on other locations.

Case in point: Laura, in London, sent me this picture yesterday. Isn't that supposed to be the image broadcast from St. John's to the rest of the country? Possibly the weather gods got a memo mixed up ...


Anonymous said...

Did you by any chance mean global warming ? Just checking if it's just me qui perd la tĂȘte LOL

Chris in NF said...

OK, corrected.

And when I have a manuscript ready to be sent to a publisher, I'll send it to you first. ;-)

Anonymous said...

And how much would I be paid for this privilege? ;)

izenkumon said...

actually I didn't find last winter in St. John's to be too terrible. The temperature was around zero most days, but I found that when it did snow, it dumped about 2-4 feet at one go. On Field Street, we actually lost cars in snowdrifts and one street over, one house had a drift over it's front door up to the second storey. I haven't made it back to St. John's yet this year, but I'm hoping that this winter won't be too bad.

Lesley said...

Funny, I blogged about the same thing. I drove in from Windsor last night and was amazed at the city. The snow got bad somewhere around where the 402 exits onto the 401 and it just progressively got worse. Tomorrow's temp is supposed to be six though, so hopefully I won't have any issues driving back.

queen B said...

So insulted that you wouldn't send your manuscript to ME first.
