Saturday, October 08, 2005

The countdown begins (or continues, I suppose) ...

Wow, I just realized I went four days without a blog entry -- a new record for me.

And I am remiss in my duties, as the seven days of Lauramas began this past thursday. So I hope everyone has been observing their Stations of the Laura? Thursday, the first day of Lauramas, is the day we sit motionless on the couch through eight hours of CSI. Yesterday was the day to attempt the 20-minute pilates video and instead go for a drink on the pation of the Runt Club or the APK. Today is coffee at Williams, and tomorrow at Starbucks.

(I am in a state of theological angst because of my great distance from some of these locations. And I could only find seven hours of CSI. I pray for forgiveness).

So in tribute, I offer some images of The Laura ... and an object lesson in what happens when you let her and Patterson get their hands on your digital camera after they've gotten nicely juiced at your thesis party.

For the best effect, scroll down very quickly.

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