Monday, July 10, 2006

Dear Stephen Harper:

I just wanted to write to thank you for the one percent reduction in the GST. I can tell you, I can now barely restrain my spending when I think of all the money I'll be saving on my purchases. Case in point, I just bought myself a new pair of hiking shoes, on sale for $80 -- and believe me, that eighty cents I saved is going right into the bank, until I make a comparable purchase, at which point the $1.60 I saved will get re-invested in the economy in the form of an extra large double-double from Tim Hortons. Because you know, I do believe in buying Canadian, in name if not in reality (I suppose I could buy frostie from Wendy's instead, but I'll maintain my illusion that buying coffee from Tim's is a patriotic choice).

So. Yes. Wow. I'm strapping myself in so that when this economy goes through the roof I won't be knocked off my feet.

Though I do have another question for you, if that's OK Steve (I can call you Steve, right? Steve-O? Stevemeister? Stevereno?) ... I got an email last week from the payroll people at Memorial informing me that the total deductions from my pay would be going up, because someone saw fit to reduce the base claim for personal income tax. Now, given what a tax-cutting maven you are -- I mean, just look at that now-almost-nonexistent GST! -- I just know that this has to be a mistake. So if it's all the same to you Steve-man, I think I'll leave that eighty cents I saved in the bank for the time being. Once you've got this whole income tax thing sorted out, I'll release the purse strings and help get this economy chugging along.


Stephen Eli Harris said...

LoL. Brilliant!

Anonymous said...


Lesley said...

Bravo. I was trying to tell my sister this and also my aunt and uncle about how brillant the strategy was to reduce the GST while increasing personal income taxes for people who make over $35,000 a year (it's probably people who make more than $10,000 a year but hey, who's counting). Guess I'll just have to direct them to your blog...