Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Another great thing about CBC One ...

... is that occasionally you flip it on in the car to join it mid-sentence. Such as this evening, when I heard:

" ... a study to ascertain why pregnant women are so difficult to tip over."

I love the human-interest pot-pourri that our national broadcaster treats us to.

Said study, as it turned out, was to come at the end of a program, and I missed it while having dinner with friends. If I may speculate on the study's findings, however: "After lengthy clinical trials, scientists have concluded that weebles wobble, but they don't fall down."


Anonymous said...

The Internet killed the radio star.

Chris in NF said...

that's too scientific. I prefer the "weebles wobble" theory, and deny any relationship it has to the school of Intelligent Design.

Lesley said...

I like the weebles wobble theory. But the funny thing about that story was that they found women's spines and hips are formed different than a man's so that when they're pregnant they carry the weight better. The best part though was the question about why men with big bellies don't tip over if they don't have this strange vertebrae and hip thing...turns out...they just have sore backs.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to CBC One in Newfoundland. This story was only picked up by the Toonto Press and Media the next day.